Wealth Management

lady's hand holding a large crystal ball

Open Architecture & Transparency

Renalco proposes the best and most suited solutions to its clients, including the selection of external financial products, free of any conflict of interest.

Our total independence is further enhanced as we do not receive any commissions, retrocessions or monetary benefits from depositary banks.

Our fees are paid by our clients guaranteeing we always act solely in their interest.

We believe experience is the driver of performance.

Investment Strategies

Whether acting in a discretionary or advisory role, we jointly define with our clients their investment strategies taking into consideration their personal situation, such as their residency and specific financial objectives.

Particular focus is also placed on understanding our clients’ sensitivities which are integrated in their portfolio structure.

We have the experience to incorporate multiple dimensions in your investment philosophy such as ESG portfolio, ethical considerations for the exclusion of certain industries or financial markets, Sharia compliance or other requirements.

man holding a tablet with holographic graphs
SRI logo

Interested in ESG and Responsible Investing?

Responsible investing (also referred to as SRI) emphasizes positive environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects by considering both financial returns and non-financial values in investment decisions.

Renalco is convinced that such investment strategies also offer financially attractive investment opportunities - responsible investing and financial returns can both be achieved. We can propose diverse investment strategies, including specific products developed with our specialist partner Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions.

cartoon with one man pushing a sphere while the other struggles to push a cube


Renalco can propose a number of prime custodian banks with which we have long-standing partnerships.

We ensure cost optimisation for our clients by negotiating the fees of such banks.

Value Creation & Preservation

Renalco has maintained an outstanding record of above average performance and value preservation during decades, whether in bull or bear markets.

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various stones holding on equilibrium by the seaside


Switzerland provides political and economic stability, skilled professionals and a high level of data protection through an extensive legal framework ensuring the confidentiality of the relations between our clients, their banks and Renalco.

We have been serving our clients from our Geneva office for over 40 years, both locally and internationally.

Compliance & Affiliations

Renalco is authorized by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as a wealth manager as per Article 2(1)(a) of the Financial Institutions Act of June 15, 2018 (LEFin).

Furthermore, Renalco is affiliated with the Supervisory Body of AOOS, in accordance with the Financial Institutions Act (LEFin) and the Financial Market Supervision Act (LFINMA).

Renalco is also one of the initial members of the Swiss Association of Wealth Managers (VSV-ASG), which represents the interests of the industry and is committed to upholding the sector's reputation and investor protection.

Regarding dispute resolution, Renalco is affiliated with Ombud Finance Switzerland (OFS), in accordance with Article 77 of the Financial Services Act (LSFin) and Article 16 of the Financial Institutions Act (LEFin).

Renalco is audited by Moore Stephens Refidar SA. As such, our activities are strictly regulated and monitored in the best interests of our clients.



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